133 Meaning Twin Flame Guidance

5 min readOct 15, 2020

Angel number 133 gives twin flames advice and guidance but what is the meaning of this number? What does it mean?

Seeing number patterns is a common twin flame reconnection sign but while 133 does suggest something is coming, it’s really a call to surrender to the journey however long it takes.

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The number 133 meaning twin flame

This is called the Angel Number, to understand what it means in the lives of the twin flames, they must do a deep reflection, do an introspection, that meaning must be according to what their hearts feel.

This number 133 turns out to bring a conjugation of attributes and vibrations present in the number 1, these are combined with the number 3, this number 3 with its double appearance in the form of a master number 33, is doubling and increasing the energy present in the number 3.

Do the numbers that form 133 have a separate meaning?

Evidently yes, in the numerology of the twin flames, the number 1 has to do with the fact that each one thinks what he alone represents, it means to initiate, to undertake, it is directly associated to the progress to the success, to the instinct, to the creation, to the motivation and to the effort, but also to the ambition, to the force of will and above all to the happiness.

The number 1 if the twin flames focus their thoughts, their actions and their faith can also mean the manifestation of something, they can deduce that something has been made present or will be presented.

The assertiveness, independence and uniqueness of the number 1 resonates with the insight, also with the self-leadership and the inspiration, and in addition the number 1 is one of the numbers that more positivity represents and more successes predicts.

In a very spiritual way the number 1, being part of the most powerful master number, means enlightenment and awakening.

The number 3, provides a reference message, indicating the twin flame that receives this message to attend to your heart, to receive comfort on three different levels.

When this number appears twice a master number is created, 33, this represents the authentic presence of the ascended masters, Jesus, Moses, Quan yin, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary are some of them, and they are in perfect tune with the thoughts and feelings of the heart of the soul mate that this number, and the most exact meaning is a YES to their ideas and questions.

The 3 itself, brings to the twin flame that sees it, optimism, creativity, enthusiasm, communication, growth, expansion, self-expression and manifestation.

The self-sufficiency that 133 meaning twin flame, gives to the twin flame intuition, spiritual wisdom and great creativity, great clues to fully discover its environment and everything about itself.

With the message that is transmitted through this number, the twin flame is prepared to make great analysis of everything that has to be done, in order to always obtain successful and very positive achievements in the path of its growth and spiritual ascension, makes the twin flame a winner of wisdom and an excellent communicator.

The spiritual orientation that the flames that perceive the messages with the 133 obtain makes them prefer to be with themselves, from their heart flows an impressive capacity to reach a coarse amplitude of knowledge, and a gift to spread it helping others with their facility to exchange ideas and information.

Angel Number 133 tells the twin flame that sees it to surrender its fears, doubts and worries to the angels and to the Ascended Masters; they are present that the causes that produce these harmful and negative factors can be transmuted and at a time healed.

These masters seek to support in an absolute way the twin flame that receives the message in the form of this number, and surround its environment where it develops of love, kindness and protection, they achieve that all the Energies of the Universe conspire so that this flame achieves its success and its eternal well-being.

The courage to face her daily life with absolute enthusiasm and optimism is obtained by the twin flames of this number of Angel 133, and they are blessed with the certainty that they will be well, that she will be loved and supported in everything she undertakes.

The number 133 will provide you with the joy of living with passion and purpose, reaching the goals you set for yourself. As in the message of this number combination this will manifest to you for your true desires, so the twin flame that gets this message must be prepared to expand and increase your spiritual development and your consciousness by seeking to reach a higher energetic level.

The angels send these energies in positive intentions and affirmations to the twin flame through the synastry of this number, the twin flame must carefully orient its ideas, feelings, thoughts and perceptions using the information in this number 133 in an optimal way, in order to find correctly the route that is indicated to him must follow in his spiritual path, what he is thinking following what the heart dictates with respect to the messages that he receives from the 133, he will have to carry out it because it is moment for the success and because he counts on the divine protection of true spirits of light like the ascended masters.

Finally, 133 is a number directly related to love, announcing omens of good relationship to the twin flames, the angels insist to fight for love and to overcome any obstacle that gets in the way by making use of the wonderful energy that this number of Angel 133 has brought to them.

