9 False Twin Flame Synchronicities To Be Aware Of

4 min readMay 17, 2021

The twin flame union expresses the strongest spiritual connection that can be experienced. Each of us will meet only one twin flame during this lifetime. However, it may happen that we meet a false twin flame that manages to confuse us.

He/She will never make us evolve as human beings nor will we reach spiritual fulfillment. The universe has predestined a false twin flame in order to prepare us for a true flame union. For this reason it is very common that after separating from a false twin flame, you finally meet your true twin flame.

Here are the 9 false twin flame synchronicities to watch out for.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

1- False meeting: you and your false twin flame meet in a place that is out of your usual routine. You like this person and apparently you have several points in common. As the relationship progresses you realize that this special person has very little to do with you.

2-Need to strengthen the bond: you need to show yourself as you are to your twin flame. Since that person is a false twin flame, he/she does not allow you to be yourself. You do not feel comfortable next to him/her and these frictions lead to a breakup in the medium term.

3-You start to get along badly after the “honeymoon stage”: this is the same with a true twin flame. The difference is that your false twin flame does not want to work on the negative points of the bond. He/she is likely to blame you for everything. The false twin flame tells you that only you should change, while a true twin flame does acknowledge his/her responsibility.

4-Obsession: you and your false twin flame become obsessed with each other. You are jealous of each other over everything, including past romantic relationships. This jealousy is destructive and can end the bond. Your false twin flame has no intention of changing his/her attitude. Keep in mind that a true twin flame does work to correct negative aspects of itself.

5-Several separations: you and your twin flame separate and reconcile several times. This process is exhausting and makes you feel worse and worse. Remember that if he/she were your true twin flame you would evolve as a human being as the relationship progresses. This does not happen with a false twin flame, as the bond is negative.

6-Unconditional love: one of the most common false twin flame synchronicities is to feel unconditional love. The problem is that this love is generated only by you. Your false twin flame takes advantage of your feelings and has a good time with you. You believe that the love you feel will make him/her change, but that will never happen.

7-Past hurts affect the present: You and your false twin flame experience past hurts, just as they do in a real twin flame union. The problem is that your false twin flame does not work with you to overcome past traumas that influence the relationship you have. He/She is not interested in a better future with you.

8-Uncertainty: you and your false twin flame have a bond that only generates uncertainty, since you do not see a definite future with him/her. The same thing happens in a real twin flame union. The difference is that your false twin flame has no interest in stabilizing the relationship. You may experience uncertainty with a true twin flame, but you know that in the long run everything stabilizes.

9-Awakening of consciousness: the relationship with your false twin flame is so bad that it generates an awakening of consciousness that makes you question your whole life. This process is done by yourself, since he/she does not accompany you in any situation. Remember that in a true twin flame union, both experience an awakening of consciousness.


False twin flame synchronicities serve to prepare you for the meeting with your true twin flame. Everything leads to self-knowledge for a better future. Keep in mind that your relationship with your false twin flame is in reality an ordinary relationship . However, this unpleasant experience prepares you to meet the love of your life: your twin flame. You two are about to embark on a spiritual journey that will make you better human beings.

