A Guide to Twin Flame Separation Sickness

5 min readOct 17, 2020


Twin flame separation sickness is a term coined to describe the physical problems of separation such as lethargy, apathy and even physical illness. No part of this phase is fun for either twin flame but physical symptoms not only make it worse, but make it harder to move past.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a free twin flame reading.

The paths that the twin flames travel are intense and full of a great number of events, some favorable, others stormy and painful, others causing uncertainty and conflict, and many of these events can generate separation, and then questions arise such as:

Does twin flame separation sickness exist?

The separation of the twin flames is a process of spiritual growth and evolution of the spiritual bodies, the connection is still present, even if they distance themselves to such an extent that there is no physical communication between the two.

It happens that both flames have different lives, they live in places with a lot of distance between them, such as different countries or very distant cities, it can also happen that they are even in relationships with other people, and it can happen that they are being forced by the evolutionary processes of the Earth.

The twin flames, due to the fact that their emotional bodies are maturing, are exposed by destiny to hard tests, which they have to overcome on the path they have to travel, where they have to go through processes that force them to work to reach the energetic vibrations that will allow both of them to reach higher spiritual levels.

It may take several years and several lifetimes on their arduous path, until they acquire states of consciousness that allow them to gain the vibratory frequency to meet again.

The twin flames have the potential to manifest a Third Energy, this is the unconditional love of the Father, you achieve it by making a synergistic union of both flames with your entire bodies.

For the twin flames it is necessary that they overcome the tension and suffering that has been caused by the process of separation, the stages must be completed by both twin flames in order to seek their union again and neither of these stages should be rushed, they can accomplish these stages at different times and this factor contributes to the separation of the twin flames.

Reasons for separation

  • One of them who does not feel emotionally mature is the cause of the separation, that immaturity can cause her fears, for which she does not feel prepared to face them and it will not be possible to end that separation until she works efficiently in her spiritual evolution, she will have to reach a level that is authorized by her superior self.
  • One of the flames feels that it is losing its grip on reality, it is an illusion of the identity of its lower self, it is a sign that is in the ego, it believes that the only possible way to return to reality is to undo the connection with the twin flame completely, and so it avoids everything, it tries to cut the ties that bind it to the other flame by causing what can be called twin flame separation sickness.
  • Circumstances become excessively difficult for one of the two flames, which feels pressured to accept the union, and runs away because it feels controlled and judged, because it considers that it is not good enough for the demands of its partner.
  • In order for the flames to evolve and change, seeking to make things work better in the relationship, they must go through processes that commonly lead to pain, so confusion, demands and the inability to interpret things lead to disappointment for one of the twin flames.
  • -It happens that both twin flames are unwilling to look within themselves for healing, and this causes them to blame each other for the pain they are experiencing.
  • In the process of staring at each other they have not been able to accept each other, one of them may think that their twin flame is never going to be the stereotype of the couple they wished for or had when they were younger, ignoring that it is going to be much better.
  • If one of the twin flames is in another relationship because you can’t be with his twin flame, even if you are spiritually attached to it, it causes him traumas that generate thoughts of lack of authenticity, and diminish his self-esteem, and he comes to consider himself a wicked being, and thinks that it’s not worth it at all to be physically with one person and another in the heart.
  • The physical distance can act as a twin flame separation sickness, this often occurs when one or both of the twin flames are overwhelmed by the physical absence and which they desire with intensity, this causes impotence which ends up becoming depression and being the cause of intolerable pain and loneliness.

Dreams that cannot be achieved for the moment and the absence of affection plunge the flame into a deep and constant sadness, this is generated due to the lack of emotional and spiritual preparation and results in a traumatic separation of the two twin flames.

  • Not being able to overcome the process of giving light to the shadows, causing a distance between the two twin flames, which it triggers in separation, but this will occur in your third dimensional reality, so it is foreseen that it will be temporary and therefore it will only be appearance, since everything that is measured with time is only appearance.

Let us clarify that a twin flame relationship is not a relationship that can be dissolved, when they unite, they become an indissoluble relationship in its maximum expression, that is why twin flame separation sickness is a proof of destiny, in any other type of relationship the union would be finished, but in the twin flame separation is a phase of the process they live.

This relationship of two persons where they find their own souls at the same time, where they experience the purest love that overcomes any bodily need, cannot be destroyed forever.

The union of the Twin Flames is a fusion of their seven bodies; when conflicts that cause their separation begin, it is because those seven bodies have not been entirely united, and many times they do not unite because the emotional body has all the pain of the separation, especially when they have passed through a very intense spiritual awakening.

For the twin flames the separation is something painful and tortuous, but necessary, it is like one more step for their graduation, their final destiny is written, and they will be at the end together eternally no matter how much time passes or how many lives they have to live.



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