Can Twin Flames Be Friends? Clarify All Doubts

5 min readApr 6, 2021


During the last few years many people have become aware of the existence of the twin flame union. This is a romantic bond that transcends the physical plane and reaches the highest energetic vibrational frequency. The union of twin flames is the most powerful spiritual connection that can be achieved in this lifetime. Although this spiritual bond is very complex, eventually the twin flames become happy together.

The twin flames union generates many doubts in people, for this reason many people wonder: “Can twin flames be friends?”. The answer is no, as this spiritual connection only develops in the context of a stable couple. Below is a detailed explanation of the relationship of the twin flames.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

A love forever

Your twin flame is your partner and your lover. Your destiny is to remain together until the end and then ascend spiritually to harmonize with the universal order. The universe designed a project for you two to be a stable couple and also passionate lovers. You two cannot just be friends because you need to unite as a couple to evolve spiritually. Each individual has a corresponding twin flame and he/she will be your partner with whom you will have an emotional, sexual and spiritual bond. The twin flame relationship is definitive for each individual and does not compare to any other type of relationship. You can have many friends throughout your life. Instead you can only have one twin flame with whom you will merge to transcend spiritually. This wonderful spiritual connection raises the vibrational frequency of the planet for the benefit of all human beings.

Avoid confusion

There are men and women who are deeply in love with their friend and that friendship never turns into a romantic relationship. Many mistakenly believe that their friend is their twin flame and must resign themselves to maintaining a friendship. If this happens to you, know that you are wrong: he/she is not your twin flame. You two are just friends and your twin flame is someone else. If time passes and you two do not become a couple it means that you are not twin flames. Don’t worry, it takes time to realize a twin flame union. Work on your own spiritual path and surely your twin flame will come into your life.

Logically, it can also happen that two twin flames were previously friends before becoming a stable couple. The transition develops naturally because they both discover that they are for each other and become twin flames.

The friend zone

You and your twin flame are actually friends because he/she is not ready for such an intense romantic relationship. First of all you should know that the destiny of two twin flames is to become a stable couple in order to evolve spiritually. If your twin flame does not want to maintain a romantic relationship with you and only wants to be your friend, it is because he/she must resolve individual issues. Surely he/she must heal past wounds and overcome personal insecurities. Most important of all, though, he/she must evolve spiritually enough to be aligned to a twin flame union. That process takes time and you will have to wait patiently. Keep in mind that many people do not like to face the shadow aspects of their personality. Your twin flame is healing emotional wounds. You will finally be together at the right time.

Twin flame union: an intimate and romantic bond

The couple is the most intimate bond that exists between two individuals. People who ask themselves “Can Twin flames be friends”? should know that this spiritual connection entails great transformations that can only take place within a couple. Each twin flame is the exact reflection of the other. Each reveals the insecurities and weaknesses of the other. This relationship is extremely intense and leads to profound individual growth. Sex between twin flames is fully satisfying in the physical, emotional and spiritual sense. Because of all the above characteristics, twin flames cannot just be friends. They are destined to become a stable couple who will love each other forever.

You and your twin flame can’t just be friends for these reasons

You and your twin flame cannot just be friends because friendship does not have the level of intimacy that a romantic relationship has. Two friends can support each other in everything, have fun, study together, go on trips, etc. Friendship is a very valuable bond but it can never compare to a twin flame relationship. Friendship is an essential part of our life and makes us feel good all the time. A twin flame relationship is a powerful spiritual connection that influences all aspects of our life and transcends this earthly reality. This connection is only possible in the context of a love relationship and not between two friends.

Friendship within a twin flame relationship

Friendship is part of the dynamics of a twin flame relationship. They support each other and encourage each other to reach their respective goals. Two twin flames are also friends and accomplices in everything. However, friendship is only one part of a twin flame relationship. They are not meant to be just friends. The universe designed a perfect plan for the two of them to complete a spiritual apprenticeship.

Twin flames are deeply in love with each other and will be together until the end of their lives. Then they transcend the physical plane and ascend spiritually to align perfectly with the universal order.


Fortunately, every day more and more people are awakening to a new spiritual consciousness. Many already know of the existence of the union of twin flames. However, this subject generates doubts and confusions. For this reason many people ask themselves: “Can twin flames be friends?”. The answer is definitely no, since this spiritual connection can only manifest itself within a romantic relationship. A twin flame union involves a level of intimacy that can only be generated within a couple. Although a twin flame relationship can be complex, in the end it brings great happiness to both partners.

