Do Twin Flames End Up Together?

5 min readOct 4, 2020


Do twin flames end up together? When? What needs to happen? This is so frustrating!

Trust me. I get it. It’s easy to look at people who have reached union with their twin flame and compare it to your own journey and become frustrated and disheartened.

The short answer here is twin flames do end up together however we’re talking the long term. As in over multiple lifetimes. If you’re here then you’re aware enough of the twin flame journey you should be doing everything you can to seize this opportunity of union but nothing is guaranteed in a single lifetime so this isn’t the time to sit back and hope. Watch for the signs and allow them to guide you.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

What path the twin flames must travel to be together

The development of a twin-flame relationship needs many efforts from both sides, and unfortunately on this path the twin flames must undergo very painful processes that cause separations between them, and these separations cause the flames to experience many sad, difficult and traumatic moments.

On many occasions one of the twins, faced with the separation, feels the pain that makes them abandon the relationship and do not fight to continue, and they do not realize the importance that these separations can have in achieving the dreamed-of goal of being together forever.

In fact, the separation that occurs between the two twin flames can ultimately bring multiple benefits to the relationship of the two, during this separation usually occur changes in the two to which they must pay attention to find a meaning to this separation and thus learn and evolve, is how they can achieve higher energy vibrations to ascend spiritually if they propose.

What happens during the Separation

  • In that time they manage to understand the wonder of the feelings they experienced in the relationship with their flame.
  • They discover how great is the need to be with their twin flame.
  • They calmly analyze the mistakes they made in order to separate.
  • One of the flames, the hunter, understands the need to stop chasing, and with this he will make his twin flame have space to reflect, and they can find again the way to continue together.
  • Giving freedom, when destiny wants something to be for you, it will be yours, sooner or later you will be together again because it is the destiny of the twin flames, that is what differentiates them from other relationships, they were born to be together forever, if not in this life, there will be another one.

Do Twin Flames End Up Together

A twin flames connection keeps one party connected to another very happily and seemingly comfortably, and they feel they have known each other all their lives.

A true twin flame connection can be very hard work, it can have a very intense taste for the person or also a dislike, but he or she comes into the life of the other to leave a teaching and the other must learn that lesson.

This process usually becomes painful, but it is necessary for spiritual growth, and once the lesson is learned, you have accomplished the goal of the relationship.

In the end they find a connection that time can never end, the connection of the flame.

Those two flames find an instant attraction in your energies, and those energies connect with time, over very long distances and sometimes over many years.

When twin flames are first brought together, one of them is spiritually more awakened and gets the connection before the other can be there, yet they are both deeply moved by that experience.

They stay in touch in this way, and the two are set aside and separated for years to go work on their own lives and commitments, and to deal with karma in other relationships before finally meeting decades later.

So they continue to work on the synchronicity of getting back together, and it is fascinating when they find the same magical alchemy, as they did the first time they got together.

Their deep love, so rooted and accepted, has been forged in other lives together, and probably that is the same as love at first sight, they recognize an ancient love.

In the connections of the twin flames we see a kind of ritual of connection and disconnection between the two, and it is frustrating, and cannot be anticipated, because it is about processes, one of the flames is interested in taking the relationship to higher levels, while the other is not aware of what is going on in that process and does not want to deal with the relationship, and that happens because it touches deep and painful emotions that she has not been able to stop feeling and refuses to go through that situation again, so she tries to leave the relationship.

Between the two flames there is a telepathic exchange, and they are connected by something that resembles an umbilical cord.

During all these processes, the flames have to look for ways to stay strong, the twin soul connections do not happen when it is believed that it is time, for this reason the existing and committed relationships, everything that has to do with money, and many other logical reasons why the two flames should not meet, finally and fortunately for both will be over come.

However, the destiny of the twin flames is so wise and in their effort they go through many processes to reunite these flames, that is why the situations that occurred where the two almost met again, or at the same time they coincided in the same place and could not see each other, or their activities were carried out in the same work and being so close they could not see each other, or resided in the same town and never crossed paths, and this happened because it is destiny that chooses when and where they will meet so that they will never be separated again, fulfilling the last phase of why they are twin flames, and confirming that they do twin flames end up together.

The infinite patience that they maintained, and the courage that for so many years and several lives they have had to have, and the learning and constant evolution of their spiritual energy levels have been the constants to finally be together until eternity, which is what the twin flames are finally destined for.


