Do Twin Flames Really Exist? What You Need To Know

5 min readDec 3, 2020


Do twin flames really exist? Is this all in my head? Is this something else?

While doubt is perfectly normal in your journey I think a lot of us in the twin flame space talk in certainties without reason. I’ve seen a lot of reasons to believe in the twin flame journey but I’ve spent the last couple of years talking to people going through it.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe this is all something else and we’ve managed to mistake it. Asking for proof of twin flames is like asking for proof of the existence of God or a winning lottery ticket.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

One of the most important goals an individual has in life is to find true love. Millions of women and men around the globe dream of finding the right person, having a happy love relationship and staying together forever. The reality is that this goal is very high and some achieve it and others do not. For this reason the existence of true love generates doubts and everyone wants to know how to find it. During the last years we have heard about the twin flames, a kind of love union of extraordinary spiritual connection. Many dream of experiencing that kind of relationship, but at the same time they wonder: do twin flames really exist? The answer is that they do exist. The union between two twin flames takes some time and first you have to go through a certain process.

Twin flames: the concept

To understand the existence of the twin flames it is necessary to know the basic concept of this type of love union. The twin flames are two souls that in the past were one and the same energy of consciousness. Then this energy separates into two parts to experience duality in this earthly reality. For a time, each of these twin flames learns and evolves spiritually until one day they meet again through love. The goal of this loving relationship of two soul mates is the awakening of consciousness, the healing of emotional wounds and the elimination of the ego. Then together they face some higher goal, related to the welfare of humanity.

This is how the journey of the twin flames begins

When two flames meet in this earthly reality they both feel a powerful attraction to each other. They feel a physical-magnetic attraction, a surprising emotional connection, and a sense of knowing each other from before. That powerful connection is manifested because these twin flames share the same energetic fabric. They have been connected since the day they were born and can perceive what the other feels. It is important to know that there is only one twin flame during this existence, i.e. only one person can be our twin flame. This union vibrates at the same frequency as divine love. The union between two twin flames influences and transforms all other areas of life.

The path to the encounter with your twin flame

Men and women want to find their twin flame during this earthly existence; the problem is that they do not know how to begin. The best way to begin this j is to feel complete from your own individuality. You have to work on your inner world, evolve spiritually and therefore you will vibrate from a divine frequency. That vibration is what will attract your encounter with your twin flame. When you are together you will feel a unique connection and you will understand each other immediately. Together you will follow an evolutionary path according to the karma that each one has.

A valuable lesson

Your twin flame is your best teacher during this existence and you are his/her best teacher. When you meet your twin flame, he/she shows you your worst side. Those negative aspects are not aligned with God or your own divine essence. You must work on them and transform them positively. Your twin flame must do exactly the same to evolve spiritually. Both function as a divine mirror of the other. When you break through your blocks and limitations, your twin flame does too. Remember that you both share the same energetic fabric and so you must work on the same aspects of yourself.

What comes next

After each of the twin flames have worked on themselves to heal various negative aspects there is total inner healing. You align with God and your own divinity and the enlightened self that you really are and always were manifests. You feel whole, you have a perfect relationship with God and ultimately that whole is reflected in your relationship with your twin flame.

You realized that your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality. When you feel incredibly good on the inside, your physical reality projects that goodness.

An altruistic mission

Once you are reunited with your twin flame you both vibrate at the highest energetic frequency, which is beneficial to you and others. That is why twin flames work for the good of humanity and collaborate in various charitable causes. They are aligned in unconditional love, therefore they only do good. A twin-flame couple is likely to adopt children, care for the sick or actively work in organizations that champion noble causes. Sometimes twin flames lead a public life and serve as an inspiration to many people.

Faith in the Universe

If you feel doubts about true love and constantly ask yourself: do twin flames really exist? it is because you still do not trust the generosity of the universe. If you really want to find your twin flame during existence you must look within yourself and begin your evolutionary journey. That path can be long and complex but it is worth doing. Once you find your twin flame, you both continue on your respective spiritual paths, which are synchronized with each other. A relationship between two twin flames goes far beyond romantic love, as it is an essential awakening of consciousness.

Final thoughts

The initial question was: do twin flames really exist?. Now you know that they really exist and you can experience that fabulous connection if you wish. Keep in mind that the path to meeting your twin flame begins with yourself. You must look inside yourself and work on your negative aspects. When you find yourself in front of your twin flame you will feel a strong physical attraction and an incredible connection in every way. Together you will begin an evolutionary path that will reveal the divinity that dwells within you. When you have healed all the wounds and traumas of the past you will experience unlimited happiness. You will finally be aligned with God and with your own divinity.



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