Have I Met My Twin Flame: Signs To Watch Out For

5 min readMar 17, 2021


Finding true love is one of the greatest goals in the life of any human being. Many people have become aware of the existence of twin flames. That means that each of us has a twin flame with whom we will achieve the greatest spiritual connection during this lifetime. Many believe they have found that special person, but they are not sure about it. Being certain that we are having a loving relationship with our twin flame is valuable to face our spiritual evolution.

Here is everything you need to know if you have a big question: Have I met my twin flame?

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

Feeling love in an inexplicable way

You have met a very special person that you like so much. The surprising thing is that after meeting him/her you feel the presence of love in your life. You feel a great magnetism towards that person, you even perceive that you know him/her from past lives. If you feel all that, it is likely that you have met your twin flame. You should know that twin flames have always shared the same energy source. That is why you feel such a strong connection with your special person. Your soul is letting you know that you have met your twin flame and you must join him/her so that together you can evolve spiritually.

An important event

After you and your twin flame meet, an important event occurs in the life of each of you. This happens because the spiritual evolution of both of you has already begun. For example: moving, a new job, a promotion, a divorce is finalized after many years, getting a college degree, among others. The encounter with your twin flame influences all areas of your life, not only in the love aspect. Your spiritual evolution encompasses your entire life and all aspects of your reality are interconnected.


The universe creates perfect synchronicities for the two of you to meet in the right place at the right time, without the need for you to plan it. You can be doing the same thing at the same time: thinking about each other, calling each other on the phone, say the same phrase, texting each other, buying each other gifts, etc. This is because the two of you have a very powerful connection, which only manifests itself in this bond. These synchronicities do not occur in other relationships. Take advantage of these coincidences to strengthen the love relationship you are starting.

Negative emotions

Surprising as it may seem, the meeting of two twin flames can generate negative emotions in both or one of you. They may become anxious, nervous, stressed, confused, distrustful, etc. The reality is that not everyone is ready for a twin flame love relationship. This bond is so strong that some feel overwhelmed by its intensity. This happens because some people need to evolve further to experience a twin flame union. It may happen that during this lifetime they do not achieve this connection, but in the next lifetime.

However, many twin flames overcome these negative emotions and are able to realize this union in this lifetime.

Improves work performance

After meeting your twin flame you will experience an increase in your creativity that will manifest itself in any activity you do. Your twin flame enhances all the good in you. Therefore, you will be able to express your talent in your work, whatever your activity is: art, business, sports, etc. In turn, you also enhance the talent of your twin flame. This happens because you are destined to improve the environment around you. Although the two of you may not realize it, the bond you have benefits other people.

Coincidences and major differences

You are the mirror of your twin flame and vice versa. You are similar in many ways and that makes the relationship flow. However, there are great differences between you that complement each other perfectly. For example: you are fearful and your twin flame is self-confident. He/she can encourage you to overcome challenges in life. That means that the two of you also benefit from the differences you have, as you both complement each other to better yourselves. That proves that this bond makes you both better individuals.

Lessons to learn

In some cases, twin flames have different origins. You should know that your twin flame may belong to another culture, there may be an age difference, be of another ethnicity, profess a different religion than yours, live in another country, have political differences, belong to the same gender as you, different social status, among others. This diversity will make you grow as human beings and you will learn a lot from each other. In the event that these differences create problems, you two will learn valuable lessons so that the relationship will work and last over time. In any case, these differences do not influence the spiritual plane.

Psychic connection outside the earthly reality

You have met a special person that you love, but then you realize that you have already connected with him/her on other planes. You have dreamed of your twin flame, you feel that you know him/her from past lives and you have felt his/her presence even though he/she is not with you physically. This happens because the union of twin flames transcends this earthly plane and connects with higher planes. The connection between the two of you exists from a remote past and you will continue together after death.


You constantly ask yourself: Have I met my twin flame? The signs described above will guide you to know if you have indeed met your twin flame during this lifetime. In addition to paying attention to these signs, you should also pay attention to your sensations. When you meet your twin flame for the first time, you will feel that he/she is the love of your life. You feel that because your soul recognizes your twin flame. Let your intuition lead you to realize that relationship you have been waiting for all your life.



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