How To Attract Your Twin Flame Back (Properly)
The real advice on how to attract your twin fame back is not a magic trick. It involves truly understanding the journey you’re on. It’s not going to happen overnight (people hate it when I say that) but until you accept this and start doing the work you’re going to be trapped.
The sooner you start really working towards union, the sooner it will happen.
Love. Find a way to make the experience of love a focal point in your life. Not the needy, grasping version of love that modern culture likes to portray, but rather the unconditional love that is represented by effortless compassion and grace.
This starts inside of you, as it is incredibly hard to experience it outside of you if you are unable to experience it within you under your own will.
So here is one approach that may work, if you are indeed interested in doing work in order to make things work.
Send love to that place which you call “within” yourself. Unconditionally.
Receive love from within yourself. Unconditionally.
If you hear voices within you telling you that you are not worthy or if those voices are being whiny, complaining, or fearful, just let them pass. Don’t get into arguments with them. The unconditional love will explain to them that they are no longer welcome, as they were never necessary.
And then return the love. Unconditionally.
And then receive the love. Unconditionally.
Perfect this, and the transformation will occur, and you will arrive at what you seek.
You are trying to attract a divine being, not a simple human.
If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a free twin flame reading.
The best thing about your twin flame is that you have a certain type of intimacy and connection that you can’t have with anyone else. Your twin flame is someone you have this intimate relationship with that’s far different from your soulmate or your significant other. Your twin flame understands you and feels the exact thing you do when it comes down to it. You can only have one twin flame, and you cross paths with them to fulfill a specific purpose higher than yourselves. In this article, we’ll be talking about how to attract your twin flame back.
Work on your flaws
If you want to attract your twin flame back, you need to work on your flaws. You meet your twin flame when you’re ready, and if you have certain flaws that you need working on, it’s best to work on yourself immediately. If there’s something that needs healing in your heart, body, or soul, you’ll only attract your twin flame back to you once you heal. Everyone has flaws and nobody’s perfect. You can only work on your own flaws just as your twin flame works on theirs.
Use that soul connection
Your twin flame shares the other half of your soul, and this means that you feel the same way they do. In attracting them to you, use this soul connection to your advantage. A twin flame connection is a very powerful connection, and you can’t just choose otherwise. Use this connection to send love to your twin flame, to let them know your intent.
Be patient with them
Ultimately, you’re going to cross paths with your twin flame once you’re ready. You can’t force things to happen, especially when they’re not ready. The reason why soulmates exist is that soulmates help you get ready to meet your flame. Whichever lesson you need to learn, you need to be ready otherwise you won’t meet your twin flame. Trust in the timing of things and that you’ll eventually meet your twin flame when you’re ready.
Help them heal
Just as you need to heal accordingly, the same goes for your twin flame. Since they are your twin flame, you can attract them back to you by guiding them in their healing process. One of the purposes of twin flame connections is to grow spiritually together as it’s a spiritual and divine connection. You can help your twin flame heal so that when both of you are gradually growing, this is where you’re finally ready to cross paths with one another.
In conclusion, these are some ways you can effectively attract your twin flame back to you. While it can be difficult to be away from your twin flame or not having met them yet, learn to trust in the timing and process of things. You’ll eventually attract your twin flame back you- they share your soul, after all. However, it’s all a matter of patience and on whether both of you are ready to cross paths or not.