How To Recognize Your Twin Flame: Here Are The Most Important Keys
The union of twin flames is the strongest spiritual connection two individuals can experience. They are linked to each other through mind, spirit and emotions from the day they are born on this earthly plane. The purpose of this union is to reach the highest spiritual evolution to transcend beyond death. Fortunately more and more people know that this type of sacred union exists, thanks to the diffusion of this spiritual knowledge.
Therefore there are many who want to meet their twin flame during this lifetime. The reality indicates that there are several signs that you should pay attention to because they indicate that he/she could be your twin flame. Here is everything you need to know about how to recognize your twin flame.
If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.
Immediate recognition
When you meet your twin flame for the first time the connection is strong, intense and immediate. You feel that you have found the person you have been looking for all your life. You like him/her as soon as you see him/her. A familiar energy flows between the two of you because you know each other from past lives.
Something important to keep in mind: you two may belong to different cultures, different ages, different ethnicities, belong to the same sex, be of the opposite sex, follow different religions, etc. You will enjoy an incredible connection, regardless of the characteristics mentioned above.
You dreamed about him/her before meeting him/her
Before the two of you met for the first time, you had already dreamed about him/her. That dream may occur shortly before you met him/her or years before the first meeting. You may also have seen his/her face in your dreams. In other cases you see a blurred image of him/her in your dreams, but you know it is your twin flame.
Parallel lives
When you two are getting to know each other you discover that you both have had parallel lives even though you grew up in totally different environments. You have gone through the same experiences in different areas of life such as home, upbringing, school, work, love relationships, etc. This is because you are both made from the same source of energy, therefore you were destined to live the same experiences, although in different contexts. The universe perfectly aligned the circumstances for you to meet during this lifetime. Therefore, both of you must take advantage of this opportunity to evolve spiritually.
As you get to know your special someone you realize that he/she is your twin flame because he/she reflects your same existential problems. He/she suffers from your same imbalances, anxieties, obsessions and worries. Evidently you have met in this lifetime to solve these problems together.
However, you also complement each other in various skills and talents that make you happy. You have also found each other to have fun and grow together. Take advantage of the strengths and weaknesses you have in common to work together in the evolution of the couple. Keep in mind that this union also strengthens you individually.
You two suffer when you are apart
During the period in which the two of you are getting to know each other, logically you are not together all day. For this reason each of you feels empty, sad and may even feel physical pain because of the absence of the other. This happens because energetically you need to be together to transcend spiritually. Your union collaborates with the universal balance, that is why it is important for you to be together. The connection between the two of you is so powerful that you can feel the emotions and thoughts that the other experiences.
The most transformative experience
One of the keys on how to recognize your twin flame is in the supreme importance that this type of love relationship has. You must know that you are living the most important experience of your life because of the lessons you are learning, the evolution you are undergoing and the human being you are becoming because of this union. This period of personal growth is the most significant of your entire life. Take advantage of it to transcend your own limits and become an extraordinary person.
A perfect preparation
As you get to know your special someone, you realize that your previous romantic relationships have prepared you to experience the relationship you have now. The same is true for him/her, since you two have had parallel lives. You will be surprised to find that he/she shares the same strengths and weaknesses of partners you had in the past. This happens because the universe prepares you throughout your life for your meeting with your twin flame. This means that the two of you met at the perfect moment, and then together you will begin the spiritual evolution to which you are destined.
When you and your special someone are together and lovingly balanced you both feel stronger than ever. That is a clear sign that you are twin flames. When you are together in harmony you feel in a good mood, you solve obstacles easily and everything goes smoothly. You know that you are meant to be of service to others. You must improve the world in some way, which is why your union is so important. By serving others you will both realize that this union makes you happy, but also benefits the entire environment around you.
Love is the most important area of life, so you want to know how to recognize your twin flame. There are several signs that tell you. First of all, you feel a powerful connection with him/her from the moment you meet him/her for the first time. As you get to know him/her, you feel that you can be yourself because you share the same energy source. You also complement each other through different talents. You also share the same fears and obsessions. The union of twin flames empowers you to the fullest as a human being from every point of view. That is why it is worthwhile to experience this union.