How To Talk To Your Twin Flame Telepathically: Infinite Connection

5 min readMar 20, 2021


The union of two twin flames is the most powerful spiritual connection an individual can experience during this lifetime. They belong to the same energetic source and are therefore destined to be together eternally. Their mission is to evolve spiritually to harmonize with the perfect order of the universe.

Twin flames are linked to each other by an invisible silver cord that never breaks. This bond makes it possible for the two of them to communicate telepathically even if they have not yet met. This communication serves to contact your twin flame for the first time and also to talk to him/her if you already know each other but are separated by some circumstance.

Here is everything you need to know about how to talk to your twin flame telepathically.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

Creating an enabling environment

You can communicate telepathically with your twin flame when you are in a couple with him/her, when you are separated and also in the case that you have not yet physically met that special person.

The first thing you must do is to create an environment conducive to establish a telepathic dialogue. You must be alone, calm and quiet. It can be indoors or outdoors. Simply sit down and try to perceive the energies around you. If you feel good, stay in that place. If you perceive negative energies, change your place.

If you are inside a room, light a vanilla or jasmine incense. Surround yourself with crystals such as amethyst, amber or emerald. Light a pink candle to illuminate the room. This sweet and romantic atmosphere will facilitate telepathic communication with your twin flame.


You can use the power of affirmations to speak telepathically with your twin flame, whatever circumstance the two of you are going through. This method works even if you do not know each other. You must be alone and choose a comfortable place in your home. Sit down, extend your hands upwards and say out loud the following affirmation: “I invoke the forces of the Universe so that I can communicate with my twin flame. I want to love her, accompany her and protect her. May it be for the highest good of all concerned. Thank you.” Repeat this affirmation three times in a row. Your twin flame will receive your message and contact you.


One of the most effective techniques to telepathically speak with your twin flame is through meditation. Once you are comfortable in your room or outdoors, enter into a meditative state. Start breathing slowly and deeply. Allow all thoughts to withdraw from your mind until you no longer think about anything. Pay no attention to any thought. Just focus on your breathing and feeling good. Imagine that your twin flame is in front of you and focus on their eyes. Make eye contact with him/her and tell him/her what you need him/her to know. If you don’t know your twin flame yet and you want to tell him/her that you want to meet him/her, simply imagine a human figure. In either case your twin flame will get the message and you will realize it at some point.

You can follow this simple meditation above or follow any other guided meditation you like.

Ask your guardian angel to help you

The universe assigns you a guardian angel from the moment of your birth to be with you. His mission is to protect you throughout your life. He knows everything about you: thoughts, desires, emotions, fears, doubts, etc. He can help you communicate telepathically with your twin flame. All you have to do is ask him, because he respects your free will and can only intervene in your destiny if you ask him to do so. Choose a nice place in your home and relax. Ask your guardian angel to come to you. It may happen that you see a bright light and begin to smell a beautiful scent of flowers around you. This indicates that your angel is with you. If you do not perceive these signs it is also likely that he is with you, because you will feel his energy even if you do not see him. Simply say: “Dear guardian angel, I want you to tell my twin flame that…” and complete the message. Rest assured that your guardian angel will get that message to your twin flame. He/She will feel your energy and get in touch with you.

Silver cord

You and your twin flame are forever linked through an invisible silver cord. This is located in the Fourth Chakra, also called the Heart Chakra. Therefore, the silver cord extends from your Fourth Chakra to the Fourth Chakra of your twin flame. Take advantage of this powerful tool to speak telepathically with your twin flame, even if you do not yet know them physically. Choose a comfortable room in your home and lie down on a mat. Begin to imagine a silver cord running from your heart to the heart of your special someone. Imagine that the silver cord becomes lighter and more solid. Use this moment to speak telepathically to your twin flame. You can do it mentally or out loud. Tell your message clearly so that it gets through more easily. This method is highly effective, as that message will reach your special person. He/She will feel a strong impulse towards you and will know what you need. Nothing will stop him/her from reaching out to you. Your twin flame will communicate with you quickly.


The above ideas on how to talk to your twin flame telepathically will guide you in getting the message you want to communicate to your special someone. Remember that you and your twin flame are eternally linked through an invisible silver cord. You will instinctively know what the other needs. You both come from the same energetic source and are destined to fulfill various missions. Your love for each other raises the vibrational frequency of the planet. The universe will conspire for you to be together, always trust that.

