Is He My Twin Flame? Here Are The Signs That Answer Your Question
Many people around the globe are going through an awakening of consciousness. Many already know about the existence of the union of twin flames and logically want to find it during this lifetime. The twin flames union is the most powerful spiritual connection an individual can experience. The purpose of this connection is the spiritual evolution of both to harmonize perfectly with the universal order.
Perhaps you have met a man to whom you are deeply attracted. You suspect that he is the great love of your life, but you are not completely sure. You wonder: is he my twin flame? Here are the clearest signs to know if he is your twin flame.
If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.
Instant Attraction
You liked him as soon as you met him. The attraction was mutual, and not only did you find him handsome, but you connected with him immediately. You felt like you had known him for a long time, but the reality is that you only met him recently. That feeling happens because the souls of the two of you recognized each other immediately, even if you are not aware of it. Keep in mind that you share the same energetic source, that’s why the bond is so powerful.
Easily Matched
You and he are just getting to know each other but you are amazed at how easily you hit it off. Neither of you have to work hard to get the other to like you. The relationship flows easily and you can show yourself as you are. You discover that you like the same genre of music, the same movies, the same series, etc. When you discuss certain topics you share the same points of view. You like to visit the same places and enjoy the same experiences.
Telepathic Communication
One of the most surprising characteristics of the union of the twin flames is that both establish a powerful telepathic communication. You know what the other is thinking, feeling and even doing at this moment. You don’t need words because you already know what the other is like even if you have just met him or her. This happens because he is your other half, since you share the same energetic source. The surprising thing is that it is not necessary for him to explain anything about what is happening to him. You already know it from before, that’s why you understand him so much. Logically, the same thing happens to him with you.
Two twin flames have highly satisfying sexual relations due to the powerful spiritual connection they have. They are completely uninhibited, know what the other wants and love to pleasure each other. They develop an unprejudiced sexuality because they have known each other forever. Twin flames share an eternal bond, therefore it is logical that they live a full sexuality. This powerful intimate bond strengthens the soul union. You are going to have the best sex of your life with your twin flame. So that’s an obvious sign that you were born to be together.
You feel the presence of your twin flame
You feel the presence of your special someone even though you are not physically together. It may happen that you feel that he is next to you even though he has gone on a trip. You should know that in reality he is always next to you because you have the same energetic nature. That is why he has always been with you and always will be. You may have only recently met physically, but your souls have always known each other.
Great revelations
You constantly ask yourself: is he my twin flame? Fortunately there is something that inevitably indicates that he is your twin flame. Your special person reveals your greatest desires and your deepest fears. The mission of your twin flame is to show you your negative side so that you can heal emotional wounds. In the same way he will show you your greatest desires so that you can realize them in your reality. The universe has sent you to your twin flame so that you evolve spiritually. Logically you will also guide him on his evolutionary path.
Time does not exist
When you two are together you lose track of time. First of all because you enjoy the shared moments and also because you are only interested in connecting with him. When you are together you don’t feel the limitations of the earthly world, it’s as if time doesn’t pass. This sign is very significant, as it only occurs in a twin flame relationship. Keep in mind that time is a human invention, since for universal harmony there is only the present time. The powerful bond that the two of you have transcends the time limits of earthly reality.
Both work to maintain the relationship
As the relationship progresses you will face numerous obstacles. It is also likely that you will go through several separations and then get back together. The amazing thing about this bond is that he will work hard to maintain the relationship, even if the bond fails again. You will experience all sorts of problems: financial issues, child rearing, illness, etc. Both you and he will do everything possible to solve them. Ultimately the relationship will always be more important than the individual ego. You can’t be away from each other for long, so you always get back together.
You are completely in love with him and you wonder: is he my twin flame? If you want to find the answer to that question you must follow your intuition. If every time you ask yourself that question your tendency is to believe that he is indeed your twin flame. He has come into your life so that both of you can synchronize with the universal harmony through a spiritual evolution. That is the reason why you have connected with him as soon as you met him. You are made for each other. This twin flames journey will turn you into fulfilled individuals.