Kissing Your Twin Flame: An Extraordinary Experience

5 min readApr 22, 2021


Twin flame union is the strongest connection an individual can experience during this lifetime. Two twin flames belong to the same energetic source, are meant for each other and are destined to evolve together spiritually. You have met someone and you are almost certain that he/she is your twin flame.

Physical contact can reveal a lot about the bond you have with him/her. Kissing your twin flame is an amazing experience that you will only understand when you do it. If you have already kissed your twin flame, that kiss surely confirmed that you are right for each other. Although this experience is wonderful, everyone lives it in their own way.

Below is a detailed explanation of what the kiss between twin flames means.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

First kiss

The first kiss between two twin flames is an extraordinary experience that influences the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic levels. To begin with, the kiss between twin flames is different from the kisses you have experienced during other romantic relationships in the course of your life. When you kiss your twin flame for the first time you both feel a powerful energetic shock because the two of you are already aroused by the simple fact of being together. This happens because you both belong to the same energetic source and by physically uniting through the kiss you both potentiate each other. You break the energetic limitations you had before. You can say that the twin flame journey comes to life through the first kiss. Obviously you have been linked forever, but the physical contact concretizes the bond between you.

A kiss that means a lot

Kissing your twin flame is always a beautiful experience even if you have been in a relationship for many years. When you two kiss, your Heart Chakra connects directly with the Heart Chakra of your twin flame. That kiss activates the Kundalini energy of both of you, that is the creative capacity that you both have. Incredible as it may seem, this energy flows through the whole universe generating a perfect balance. Once the Kundalini energy is active in both of you, the seven chakras of each of you begin to work harmoniously. You experience a great joy of life because everything flows around you.

The kiss between two twin flames is so powerful that in both of you the faculties of clairvoyance, intuition and telepathy, among others, are awakened. This happens because the two of you have begun your expansion of consciousness and spiritual upliftment.

A spiritual game

Kissing your twin flame is a wonderful spiritual game during which the energy of both of you expands and merges harmoniously with the universal order. You and your twin flame break the boundaries of your aura, as it expands and spreads around you. Basically the kiss between two twin flames builds love, intimacy and trust in the long run. The physical pleasure you feel when two twin flames kiss is only a part of what the kiss means. This experience is far from ordinary consciousness, as the kiss of twin flames has the highest level of spirituality. No common romantic relationship reaches such a level of soul connection. The twin flame relationship is transformative in all aspects of an individual’s life.

Being and feeling a complete individual

Two twin flames share the same energy source, therefore when they are together they become one soul. One twin flame reflects the other because it is its other half. When you kiss your twin flame you feel like a complete individual, because you really are one. Through the kiss, you connect with your other half and feel in harmony with the cosmic energy. The kiss between twin flames is fundamentally a spiritual act that powerfully influences the energetic, physical and mental plane. When you kiss your twin flame you feel like a complete individual because he/she is what you need to transcend this earthly reality and elevate yourself spiritually.

Twin Flame Kiss Healing

You and your twin flame are one and the same soul entity. That is why when you meet your twin flame during this lifetime you initiate a spiritual journey that culminates in perfect harmony with the universe. Kissing your twin flame brings an emotional healing that makes you feel fulfilled. During the kiss your energy expands and you leave behind all the traumas of the past that may affect you now. You break blockages that prevent you from evolving and you can express yourself freely. While kissing your twin flame the masculine energy and the feminine energy merge perfectly. This also happens in a twin flame relationship where both partners are of the same sex. This perfect union is what makes you feel in perfect harmony with your environment.

This is how you feel after kissing your twin flame

The kiss between two twin flames confirms the infinite love that exists between them. After you kiss your twin flame, whether it is the first time or not, you vibrate at an elevated vibrational frequency. You can both focus on the wonderful divine plan the universe has for the two of you. The energy of both transmutes for the better, leaving behind aspects of your life that are no longer functional for your evolution.

As time goes on you evolve spiritually until you finally merge with the perfection of the universe. You both make a quantum leap that changes your lives forever. Logically this change is positive, it benefits both of you and those around you.


The kiss between two twin flames is an extraordinary experience that transcends the physical plane. This kiss awakens a burst of energy which breaks through any blockages and limitations you may have. Your aura expands and the Kundalini energy is awakened, which activates the seven chakras. You both experience great joy because you feel a deep inner peace. The kiss between twin flames is completely different from all the kisses you have experienced in other romantic relationships. The kiss between twin flames heals you internally and raises your vibrational frequency because you vibrate true love.



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