The Twin Flame Dream Kiss [Kissing Your Twin Flame in a Dream]

5 min readFeb 24, 2021


Have you heard of (or even experienced) the twin flame dream kiss? Kissing your twin flame in a dream can mean a lot of different things (depending on where you are in your journey currently).

In dreams we are our most free. Our connection is unbound, unfiltered and a common expression of the telepathic connection between twin flames. It’s frequently a place the two of you can meet and communicate and happens far more often than most of us remember.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

Have you met your twin flame yet? Your person… that soul who completes yours? Your other half? You twin flame is the rest of your soul dwelling inside another body. When you meet him or her your heart will dance in a way that can only be felt, not explained. It will be so far beyond the physical realm, it will be a dream within a dream.

You will experience your dream kiss with this person, like the one’s you see only in movies… but it will happen to you. Your twin flame will kiss your lips, your heart, your spirit, your mind and every part of you beyond what is seen by the average naked eye.

When you meet your twin flame your entire world will change for the better and you will finally feel like you have found your home inside of another person. Because as they say, home is not a place, home is a person, a house is made a home by the people you surround yourself with.

Meeting someone who you connect with on a level beyond the body, is most likely your twin flame. Someone who relates to you and seems to understand your mind and your soul on a level unlike anyone else is probably your twin flame. You have a soul connection with this person known as your “mirror soul.”

You look at this person and see yourself and fall in love. Meeting your twin flame is falling deeper in love with both yourself and someone else who allows you to be you whole heartedly.

It is both a challenging and very healing relationship, as you will both have triggers and know what buttons to press. However, you will not ask each other to change and will love each other unconditionally

Twin flames come from the same place and just kind of get each other without having to say much. They will see the light, the shadows and the darkness within each other and envelope them anyways. They will encourage each other to heal and become the best versions of themselves without ever making them feel like they are not enough. You are always enough.

Your twin flame will give you the dream kiss on your lips. Even though this person is known as your mirror soul and more of a higher realm relationship the passionate spark in the physical realm will still set flames of fire. You will shake, and desire, and be so satisfied and complete all at the same time. You will dream about the reality and how your dream man became your reality.

You and your twin flame will experience your dream kiss on each others heart. As stated prior, not everything is physical. This kiss on each others heart will be compassion, understanding and unconditional love for each other. Acceptance in the highest form.

You will open your heart to each other in a way that nobody else has seen or been exposed to. When you kiss each others hearts an unfolding will happen where you expose yourself in both your most beautiful, real, authentic and faulted but flawless form. Your twin flame will see the lightest and darkest parts of you but love you all the same always and forever. A kiss on the heart is an open expression of love no matter what you’ve done in the past. Twin flames will be there for each other every step of the way as a companion, and a lover and a heart to confide in.

Twin flames feel each other’s feelings and can often seem psychic like because of the hearts connection.

Your twin flam will kiss your spirit. They will understand you in a way that nobody ever has, like you but in another human form. Your twin flame is your whole soul when combined with you. You will experience divine magic together in this realm.

You will open each others eyes to new ways of gratitude and God, and the power of the universe. Together you will conquer more and find blessings in what used to seem like the mundane. Your spirit will be understood without constant explanation and or confusion. You will kiss one another’s soul with so much joy beyond this dimension, beyond this worldly culture.

Have you ever met someone who understood your mind? Who knew what you were going to say before you even said it… or better yet before you even knew you were going to say it? Your twin flame will bless your mind with a kiss. With so much love and appreciation for your thoughts, intelligence and your humor. Your minds will be challenged by each other, because we all have a hard time understanding our own thoughts sometimes but you will be so inspired by this person and figuring out the ways of the mind.

By figuring out the power of the mind and the way it changes, alters, and configures as you grow in every way.

Getting your dream kiss by your twin flame goes beyond mouth to mouth, or mouth to body. Although those kisses are magical, the truly earth changing kisses are the kisses you give to each others, hearts, souls and minds. The way you can grow together and truly evolve into the most complete and best versions of yourself.

Living without love in this life is hard, life is hard enough with every battle we face, so when you find someone who kisses each part of you don’t let them go. You will find your person, your mirror soul, your other half. Do the work on yourself, practice living abundantly and be open to receiving. That is when you will meet your twin flame and you will love so deeply, every single moment will feel like a passionate and promising kiss.

Once you connect with your twin flame never stop kissing all their bruises and all their beauty, for every single scar has a story and every story has woven them into the person that they are.



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