Twin Flame Failure (And How To Prevent It)
The idea of twin flame failure is one (of the many) things people disagree about, but here’s what you really need to know.
Long term twin flame failure isn’t possible. Over the span of multiple lifetimes you’re going to reach union. However, that does not mean you’re guaranteed to reach union this lifetime and you can’t just sit back and cross your fingers it’ll happen.
I’ve got into it in more depth on my post do twin flames end up together, but that’s the important part to remember.
If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a free twin flame reading.
Finding your twin flame can be a very exciting and mesmerizing experience, but unfortunately for some, there can be some issues that inevitably lead up to a twin flame failure. Of course, there are always going to be roadblocks in a relationship no matter what the circumstances are but in some cases, twin flames just won’t be able to get past them.
Issues that they may come across are being misunderstood, being unable to sacrifice, and most importantly being unhealthy. Here are the reasons why twin flame relationships fail and what you can do to prevent that.
They Feel Misunderstood
One of the most detrimental causes of a failed relationship is a lack of communication, and twin flames are no exception to this. Although twin flames are able to understand each other in unexplainable ways, it is still very possible for one of them to feel misunderstood and this can really heat up conflict.
Often times they aren’t doing this on purpose either. It’s just the fact that sometimes they may subconsciously expect one another to be able to read each other’s minds when this just simply isn’t the case. One good way to prevent this is to make an effort to speak up when something doesn’t feel right. Holding back your thoughts can easily exhaust you and cause you to boil over.
They Aren’t Willing To Sacrifice
When it comes to twin flames, they tend to have a very fluid way of helping each other grow, but if this particular standard isn’t met, it can call for a very rough disagreement. With these relationships, there will be times where one of the partners come to a disagreement on their thoughts, values, or behaviors. If these two fail to sacrifice some of these factors and meet halfway, this could ultimately result in the failure of the relationship.
In order to prevent this from happening, it is best that each partner takes the time to attempt to see both sides of the situation and why they’re values may not be acceptable within the relationship. This can be very difficult to achieve but in return will result in a much more tolerable relationship.
They Are Unhealthy
Twin flames who are unhealthy may have a very hard time committing to a relationship. This is one of the biggest reasons why twin flames fail to maintain their relationships. More often than not one partner will feel like the other is no putting in anywhere near as much effort as them.
This tends to happen when their partner is having trouble taking responsibilities and maintaining a healthy mental state. This alone will destroy the equilibrium within the relationship and cause the partner who is taking care of the unhealthy partner to feel like they aren’t receiving enough in return. Preventing this can most definitely be a challenge, but it is doable.
This will inevitably require an unhealthy flame to work on themselves and learn how to cope with their weaknesses. This process can take a substantial amount of time and work but it is very crucial to preventing a twin flame relationship from becoming a failed one.