Twin Flame Reunion Prayer: A Plea To The Divine Realm

4 min readMay 21, 2021

The union of twin flames manifests the most intense spiritual connection that can be experienced. During the last few years there has been a widespread awakening of consciousness and many people have become aware of the existence of a twin flame for each individual. Many who want to find their twin flame during this lifetime.

The problem is that time passes and the twin flame does not come into our life. The solution is to raise a prayer to the divine realm for the angels to bring us closer to our twin flame.

Here is a twin flame reunion prayer, adapted to each different context.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

Prayer to meet your twin flame

Two twin flames have known each other from a remote past where both were one soul. You want to physically meet your twin flame during this lifetime. The following twin flame reunion prayer will be heard by the heavenly realm and the angels will help you in your purpose.

“Lord, I pray that you help me find my twin flame. I am alone and I need a partner to love and care for each other. Send me your angels to guide me through your infinite love. I want to give and receive love to be in tune with you. Thank you Father for listening to me.

Prayer for a definitive reconciliation with your twin flame

The twin flame relationship exposes traumas and weaknesses. This leads to twin flames being separated several times until the bond is finally stabilized. If you and your special person are unable to balance your differences, you can pray the following prayer for a definitive reconciliation.

“Father, I am devastated because I am unable to have a stable relationship with my twin flame. We have separated and reconciled several times but we are not able to be happy. I pray that we both manage to understand each other and reconcile for good. Thank you Lord for listening to me”.

Prayer for self-healing

For a twin flame relationship to develop in a balanced way, both must work on their own personal conflicts. The process of self-healing is painful and can be detrimental to the twin flame bond. The following prayer will guide you in healing your wounds.

“Lord, I have a lot of pain in my heart and it is hurting my relationship with my beloved. I want to feel happy and in harmony to give the best of myself. I pray that your infinite love welcomes my heart. Thank you Merciful God for listening to me”.

Prayer for a harmonious relationship

You and your twin flame love each other and are developing a stable bond. The problem is that this relationship is difficult because you have to work hard to get along. In this situation you can pray that there is harmony in the bond and everything is resolved in favor of both of you. The following prayer will give you the peace you both need.

“Lord, I can’t get along with my twin flame because we can’t find the peace we need. I ask that your infinite love shine in our lives, especially in our sacred bond. Have mercy on both of us. Thank you Father for listening to me.”

Prayer to serve the others

Two twin flames united in this existence illuminate the world around them. You and your twin flame are destined to do good and serve others. Perhaps neither of you knows for sure which is the best way to help others. Pray the following prayer to the heavenly realm for the angels to guide you.

“Lord, my twin flame and I want to do good but we do not know the best way. I pray that you guide us through your heavenly angels to help others in the right way. We both want to be instruments of your Peace. Thank you Father for listening to me”.


The twin flame reunion prayer is a sincere request for God to bring love, peace and harmony to such a complex bond. You and your twin flame should choose the prayer that best fits your circumstances. If you wish, you can pray together. The important thing is that you pray with faith, because God will grant you what you need.

