Uncommon Twin Flame Reconnection Signs

5 min readOct 4, 2020


Everybody talks about the twin flame reconnection signs which are common. I’ve covered them often enough (like the dream communication post) and this video covers more of the common ones you see.

But the sooner you start spotting these signs, the sooner you can let them guide you so I thought we’d cover some more of the uncommon ones less talked about.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

Why must two Twin Flames be reconnected?

In the energetic field they get to have a rapport in a very short time, getting to have very intense experiences, this is how from that initial encounter the twin flames manage to understand that their union is destined to exist for eternity.

They can suffer separations on the way that they will have to transit looking for their mutual evolution to always reach levels of energetic vibration, these vibrations will take them to the assent to higher spiritual levels.

The influence on your bodies caused by the coupling of the chakra between them is so strong that on the physical level you manage to live and feel experiences you never imagined, a high energy that is primordial, comes to control your lives and is so essential for the souls that it is not detectable by any other soul, and thus one of them radically affects the psychic centers of its twin flame.

Manifestations of that powerful energy that they achieve in that first encounter are so great that nothing can be done to stop it once it is unleashed; to let it express itself is ideal so that the flames achieve cosmic levels for which they are destined.

For all these reasons it will not matter how many separations they have to endure on their paths, or how many lives they have to wait, for their destiny indicates that they will finally be reconnected.

But what are the twin flame reconnection signs?


When the twin flames perceive an absolute fluidity, like a river in tranquility, when it achieves conversations that become more and more pleasant and necessary, when everything between the two emerges in a very natural way, they are in unequivocal presence of twin flame reconnection signs, and those moments should be dedicated to the full enjoyment of their imminent connection.

The differences are not obstacles

After a long separation, if the twin flames think that they are opposite poles, observe that everything begins to work very well between the two, it is a true sign that they have entered the reconnection.

As one complements the other, you should focus your efforts on teaching and learning about each other’s strengths in the relationship, and also on clearly identifying threats and weaknesses that pose risks to the well-being of your union.

Constant Satisfaction

When one of the flames begins to experience a reception of energy that floods it entirely, which makes it feel that it fills its soul, if it feels that the other soul is constantly immersed in your soul and that this satisfies you to the full, and if you were away by diverse circumstances, these sensations indicate to you that again you enter the reconnection of your souls to enjoy each other without limits.

Strength of Will

The twin-flame relationships go through many difficulties on their way, including disappointment, pain, exhaustion, necessary separations, long waits, and lives that can mean many years, but with all these circumstances against them, the will power of the flames to be together above the event is a sign that they will be, and that their path together is written.

Ability to overcome moments that do not favor them

The twin flames on the arduous path they walk suffer very painful separations, they may have met at times that were not suitable, one of the two was already in a relationship, it may also happen that one of the two or both twin flames are not spiritually prepared to live a union as full of intensity as the relationship of the twin flames.

This ability to endure these difficult moments and to wait in time for the opportunity to meet must be identified as a sign that they will be together no matter what, if you let love and soul mature and evolve.


When the twin flames feel and perceive that the end they are looking for is similar or equal, without what comes next having more importance, they can realize that they are already in reconnection, sharing the same objectives makes them understand that they can go hand in hand anywhere, in this way they understand that everything between them and their life goes better when they are together.

They have Visioned

The twin flames perceive signals by means of visions before they meet again, through the healing processes that each one experiences, as their energetic vibrations increase, life gives them clues, and he or she with the sensitivity that they have reached comes to visualize their twin flame.

They perceive the same things

In their daily life they have the same thoughts, they listen to the same music, they may even watch the same movies, and even do the same for a family member or another person.

In some cases the twin flame reconnection signs are presented to them, when they realize that they read even the same book, the same newspaper, they get to eat the same things and dream with their flame the same things that she dreams.

They feel that they have found themselves

If one of the twin flames perceives signs that urge him to improve and find himself, and in the processes that he develops on his path, he initiates a recognition of himself in the other flame, reflecting himself completely in it as if it were a mirror, and he takes you to extreme moments where he meets his inner self, coming to feel fully alive, this becomes a sign that he has reconnected with his twin flame.

Feeling absolute security

When a being finally manages to reconnect his twin flame, he takes possession of a feeling of security, improves his perception of himself, which attracts high vibrations and therefore improves the processes he is taking to continue evolving.

Good memories

If the two beings that form the twin flame constantly remember moments that they have lived together in the past, where their emotional ecstasy and love were insuperable, it indicates that their evolution and spiritual progress has brought them to reconnect their souls, to penetrate even more and in a definitive way.

