What Are The Signs Of Healing With Twin Flames?
Twin flame healing is one of the most overlooked parts of the journey but spotting the signs of healing with twin flames can give you so much guidance on your journey.
Learn to spot these signs and you’ll know you’re on the right track. Allow them to guide you to where you should be spending your energy. Focus on what is helping you (and your twin) reach a better place both separately and together.
If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.
Everyone meets at least one person in their lifetime who changes the course of their life. Who takes them by surprise and teaches them who they are, what they want and how to heal.
Someone comes into your life and shakes up everything you’ve ever believed and helps you put the pieces back into place. That someone, who comes as more than a lesson to you, and stays through every moment is your twin flame. They will bring you an understanding unlike anyone you have ever met. That person will be your mirror, your other part of you. You are a single soul dwelling in two bodies.
That other body is your twin flame, and that person will help heal you beyond what you can heal in yourself. Everybody needs somebody. Connection is the strongest source and happiness is only real when it is shared. Compassion is only genuine when you place others above yourself. A twin flame comes into your life once you have realized that everything you need is not inside of you. Everything you need is around you and inside you. Other people come into your life to help you heal, teach you love, create moments and live through this challenging life together. There are many signs that you are healing with your twin flame and we will discover them together.
You are healing with your twin flame when you learn to respond rather than react. Usually a twin flame will bring up and relate to a lot of the trauma you have gone through.
They will have similar life experiences and certain conversations will trigger a reaction from each other. When you learn to sit with the feelings and think about them before reacting you learn to respond. You allow yourself to feel and process before blowing up and projecting onto your partner. This is healing and growth. This is realizing that not everything is about you, that very few things are actually about you, even if they are placed upon you at a young age.
Even if you go through so much pain, there is always more to the story. Connecting with your twin flame will make you realize you are not the only one, you have a mirror, a matching soul. You and your twin flame will heal through the process of responding to one another and growing in hope and faith together instead of repeating toxic patterns onto each other.
Another way to tell you are healing with your twin flame is when you learn to look at the big picture. Everyone gets caught up in the little details at times. About the way they were treated, or the tone that someone used. Instead of focusing on every little detail and letting it get you all worked up, learn to look at the big picture.
When you place the situation into someone's life everything changes. You will never fully know what someone else is going through and when you realize that you gain patience and understanding. Having someone support your emotions and what you’re feeling allows you to flow through the pain together and release it in harmony.
Growth happens when you are able to see all the pieces and instead of judge them, accept them and let them go into another realm and serve a higher purpose.
You and your twin flame bring each other healing once you learn to stop playing the victim, and that is a beautiful thing. Taking accountability for the choices you have made, and realizing that you have to power to overcome and grow from the things you have gone through is a true turning point in this life. It is probably the biggest sign that you are on the road to recovery. When you realize your power there is nothing that can get in the way.
Things will always trigger you, but choosing how to respond and how it will effect you is up to you. You can wallow in your own pity or you can find ways to make it art and beauty. Step out of the shadows and live as your true self. You are not a victim, you are a human being that has to power and potential to sprout up and fly.
You are able to help your twin flame realize this and you will grow together into your selves, not attaching pain to who you are but allowing it to be there as a stepping stone for growth. You may certainly be a victim, however, dwelling with keep you in the I can’t mindset and in order to grow into yourself and to grow with your twin flame you need the I can mindset.
Once you stop playing the victim, this is a true sign that you are healing with each other and helping heal one another.
Healing is not a linear process. Often it seems like one step forward and two steps back. Healing alone is even harder, because who’s there to support you and encourage you to keep going?
Sometimes, we need to meet that person that pushes us forward in order to heal and often times that person pushes us past limits and deeper into ourselves. That person is your twin flame. You and your twin flame are here for each other, to push, inspire, and connect on a level deeper than words can express.
To truly understand the bond between twin flames you must meet your twin flame. You will heal each other because you serve as a mirror, a reflection of yourself. Your ugliest and prettiest parts will stare back at you and you will have to choose if healing is worth the internal battle.
When you realize it is you will change the way you handle every little situation. You will experience growth both inside and outside of yourself. You will feel a power that is beyond comprehension and an inner peace that everything will work out in your favor in the end, and if it is not ok then it is not the end.