What Happens When You Meet Your Twin Flame? [and HOW]
If you’ve been feeling a little lost and wondering what happens when you meet your twin flame and how will you know, think of it like this. When this occurs it is dreamlike because in a manner of speaking, you’re meeting yourself only in the physical body of another individual. After looking into each other’s eyes just one time, you will feel the instinctive sense of bonding and complete recognition sweep over you.
However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you and your twin flame will immediately fall in love. Twin flames tend to appear in our lives out of the blue and wind up changing the path our lives take. This isn’t the same thing as finding your soulmate, and it’s not always going to lead to a romantic relationship right away. What happens when you meet your twin flame is the development of an intense spiritual connection.
If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.
Soulmate Or a Twin Flame?
The basic distinction between soulmates and twin flames is that you can actually have a whole lot of various soulmates in your life, but there is only one twin flame. The idea behind a twin flame is that in that period of time before birth, our souls were divided into two parts. Both you and your twin flame own one half of that soul, and it will not come together until you meet.
With soulmates, their link is not as divine. They experience varying energy levels, and are not able to achieve the spiritual synergy that twin flames reach so easily.
Two soulmates meeting up can make for a wonderful friendship or a loving and ardent partnership, but with twin flames the connection is much deeper, and more like their very souls are connected. Meeting your soul’s twin flame is truly like finding yourself mirrored in someone else. It is the ultimate form of soul transformation that it is possible to reach.
How Do You Know If This Is Your True Twin Flame?
Ever had the experience of feeling so at one with another person that it seems as if you’ve known them your entire life, and even beyond that? That is how it feels to find your twin flame.
You will definitely know it when you come across your twin flame because the feeling is nothing short of astounding. When you look directly into the eyes of your twin flame, it feels like your two souls already met long ago. Your mind, your body, and your very soul are moved in an incredible way. You can almost be overwhelmed by the force of your energies colliding.
While your souls become one, you are far from identical in every way. You are very alike, and yet very different. This is because you are really two opposites of the same coin completing each other. You will find that what you consider your assets are your twin flame’s weaknesses, and your shortcomings are their strengths. You are opposites who must balance each other out, but you will have the same basic values.
To find your twin flame is the most wonderful thing that could happen on your life’s journey, but it may not happen in one lifetime. It can take centuries or longer until you finally meet up with them, but when you do, it will be magical. The purpose of your soul’s journey is to guide you to find your twin flame. This is what you need to do in order for your soul to evolve to it’s ultimate spiritual form.
What Happens Before Meeting Your Twin Flame?
One indication that you’re going to meet your twin flame soon is that you’ll know instinctively that something special is about to happen. You will experience intuition that something important is going to take place, but you just won’t know what.
Another indication that you’re about to meet your twin flame is if you’re continually having dreams about the same person, but you dont recognize them. Still, somehow you know that they’re important to you. Also, your twin flame can be trying to communicate with you, and send you messages. Remember that communication through dreams can actually happen at any point in the soul’s journey, and can continue up until you are reunited and even beyond.
How Can You Meet Your Twin Flame?
You are only required to expand your mind and heart to receive the instructions that the universe regularly sends to you. The way to accomplish this is by striving to become more mindful, kinder and more compassionate towards others. You can’t be afraid to let yourself feel and be more empathetic with your fellow human beings.
If you honestly want to discover your twin flame, you must become more in tune with the world surrounding you. You must be aware that meeting your twin flame is not something that happens to everyone. It seldom happens and will not happen to you unless your soul is developed enough to accept it.
Becoming a better person is quite a task indeed. It takes determination and practice, and certainly won’t occur overnight. It’s a gradual transformation that you must constantly focus your attention on. There will be frustration and disappointment, but if this is something you truly want, it will happen. You just have to persist in your intentions and understand that it is all for a larger good.
While this is a worthwhile endeavor for anyone at any time for any reason, it is essential if you really do want to meet your twin flame. You need to get into a frame of mind where you are continuously striving to make yourself better. The first thing you should do is to try and free your mind of all unpleasant thoughts such as jealousy, hatred, etc.
You want and need to hear the messages the universe is sending out to you, but to do so you have to free yourself from all the materialism and negativity that grows so easily within every one of us. It is only once you have done this that you will become more spiritual version of yourself, and that is when you will be fully prepared to meet and accept your twin flame into your life.