My Twin Flame Just Wants To Be Friends [HELP!]
My twin flame just wants to be friends! What does this mean? How do I change their mind? Help!
The idea of twin flame just being friends or the ‘twin flame friendzone’ is one you hear tossed around a lot and you’ll hear a lot of different opinions on it. And I mean a lot.
The first thing I’ll say is this isn’t at all uncommon. It’s similar to my guide on twin flames dating someone else. It sucks. It’s painful. But, in the long-term for your journey, it’s not going to stop you reaching union.
In some ways it’s easier to have this then complete separation during earlier stages.
If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.
Twin flames, soul-mirrors, soulmates… you probably hear these words interchangeably throughout the world we live in today. But, are they the same thing? No, they are not. Twin flames are not put into your path to simply be friends; a soulmate can be a a friend, a lesson, someone put in your path for a moment to teach you something, but a twin flame is rare. A twin flame is a once in a lifetime (if you’re lucky) kind of bond between two people that can not ever be replicated. It is a way of seeing yourself in someone else. A way of connecting spiritually, far beyond the physical. A way of love that heals, transcends and completes one other. A twin flame is the missing piece of your soul that you didn’t realize you needed until you found it. When you find your twin flame there is a spark and a sense of knowing, a deja-vu, that can not be mistaken for any other type of love or connection.
“My twin flame just wants to be friends” is not something you or your twin flame would say about one another. A soulmate could say this because soulmates are found in every part of life for growth, but a twin flame is more than a mate. A twin flame is a connection that you both feel deep down inside your spirit. A twin flame doesn’t mistake you for a temporary person or an impermanent body. Twin flames know that there is more than friendship. Twin flames know that they have found their hearts longing and that the heavens are rejoicing with their connection.
Prior to meeting your twin flame there will be a lot of soulmate connections. You have to know who you are in order to meet the person that is bound to be in your life forever. There are lessons you need to learn and relationships you need to go through that are often traumatic in order to meet your twin flame. However, a twin flame relationship, is not full of drama or abuse. A twin flame relationship is filled with compassion, understanding, and love. Of course, like in every relationship, there will be miscommunication, but you will never wonder where you stand once you’ve met your twin flame. Your soul will already be filled and you won’t have to wonder, “does my twin flame just want to be friends?”
It is possible that you will meet your twin flame at a young age. You know they are your person instantly, but you are both just too young. You haven’t gone through life on your own yet or discovered who you are as an individual without them. In this case, you grow up together and are friends. Maybe you date, but then you have to explore the world on your own. And during this exploration period it is possible to meet other people who teach you lessons about who you are, the things you need to learn, and of course the things you also need to unlearn. Maybe you need to break the toxic patterns carried down through generations and heal the curses that were brought to you through lineage. This is not an easy process. Some people never heal any part of themselves. Some people spend their whole journey healing. The truth is we all need connection. The people we meet along our path help us heal, but only if we let them. The sooner we accept that we need help the sooner we will encounter our twin flame and be able to live a life alongside them. It is possible that this twin-flame is beside you throughout your entire journey. That they too go through a portion of their life without you romantically, but learn their lessons and keep you in their heart. It is beautiful when a connection is so strong that there is no jealousy. That there is a connection between two souls instead of two bodies. That when these two kindred souls reunite time and time again there is finally the moment for them to spend eternity together.
When that connection merges… when the two bodies and the two souls blend, you can call that your twin flame. A lot of people refer to this as a life-partner. But a life partner is not always a twin flame. Sometimes, a life partner is just someone you’re with in this life. This person could be a soulmate, a friend, a family friend, a safety net. A life-partner is here with you this round on earth. A twin-flame is someone you have known in many lives, or met in heaven, someone who you’ve been sent back to earth during reincarnation to encounter and embrace this human life with. A life-partner is simply that… a partner through life. A twin flame is someone who adds fuel to your fire, someone you look at and see yourself in, but you also see them as a whole human on their own. A twin flame is someone who makes you want to be your absolute best self you can be in every aspect and area of life.
A twin flame can start as a friend, but a twin-flame cannot stay that way. There is too much to keep only the title of friendship. There is too much spark, too much love, too much passion, too much soul between the two to simply allow a twin flame to dwindle. There will be no doubt that more is the only option for you two. That the connection speaks louder than words and delves deeper than lust. There will be no doubt that you are not destined to be together. The only question will be how you managed to feel whole prior to meeting your twin flame.
Fulfill your destiny, be more than friends.
Fulfill your life’s purpose, be the complete world together and to each other.
Fulfill your plan, live your life to the fullest.
Fulfill your soul, smile whole-heartedly through life with one another.