Twin Flame Communication In Dreams (How and Why)
Twin flame communication in dreams is more common than you might think. Even people who think they never dream absolutely do — they just don’t remember their dreams.
Even if you’ve never met your twin flame on the 3D yet, the communication you share between each other in dreams is so open and unrestricted it’s like nothing else you’ll share with another person.
The problem is, you don’t remember most of it. By luck or if you’re keeping a dream journal you might begin to remember 1% of these conversations with your mirror soul but they happen constantly.
Your twin flame might send you specific dream messages or it might just be a constant stream of emotion, energy and strength. Usually all at the same time.
If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.
Our twin soul is that being that becomes our complement with a character of divinity, that moves the essence of our innermost fibers, that becomes the reason that allows our being to flow through the universe in peace and towards the light.
Discover twin flame communication in dreams
The spiritual connection with our twin flame, when we appear in her dreams, and she in ours occurs because :
- We are vibrating in the same energetic frequency
- We share energy at that moment
- Shared energy flow establishes telepathic connection and empathy between the two
- This connection allows us to know what the other is feeling, thinking or doing
- The union between the two twin flames deepens naturally
- Mind to mind connection is established
- There is something premonitory to be informed about, they are very lucid dreams, and they are totally remembered no matter how much time passes.
- There is a very important need to transmit something
- When they occur at an early age they are to indicate that there will be a true connection with the soul mate
- They occur in the astral plane and are very real
- When you wake up you feel the presence of the twin flame, as if it were by your side
- They are very repetitive dreams
Can you dream of your soul mate without having met her?
It may happen that at some point in a previous life you have come across someone very special, with whom you have managed to feel uncommon affinities, peace with his presence and have not realized that on a spiritual level that being been compatible with your true soul.
The main characteristic of the twin flames is that they were created from a single egg and this makes their need felt and there will be something in your inner being that will provide you with a sign of recognizing that same part of you, and a dream is something special for that.
Dreams are formed in our subconscious, and it is there where nothing material influences, so the thoughts that are housed there come from pure feelings, clean energies, form an ideal environment to perceive when something good in the form of a signal, you want to warn.
Even though in a dream, if you don’t know it yet, you may not know anything about its physical characteristics, you will know that this is not important in a twin-flame relationship, because these unions are at the level of vibrations in a high level of vibration and light, where what is important goes beyond a physical appearance, they are soul connections.
In this way it is entirely possible that through dreams the soul mate can be found, even without having met her.
How is twin flame communication in dreams
Through a dream, the twin flames can feel, through energetic vibrations, the emotions and feelings that the other is feeling, and know if she is going through difficult times, if she is depressed or if she is in danger, and all the daily activities that she does can be perceived.
Signs of where they will be able to meet physically, of demonstration of the deep love that unites them, and signs of things that have happened to them in past lives, or that will happen to them in future lives, can be captured.
These dreams allow you to see yourself through various incarnations, each in different roles, but despite any adverse circumstances, you will always share much of the time.
The fact that you call yourself a twin, that it is an eternal connection, and where you may have traveled together to many places and during many times, when you have dreams of things that happened in past lives, this helps you to understand things that you shared and how you interacted, being able to learn the lessons that life has given you and how to use them to benefit the relationship in the current life and in future lives.
It happens that what the twin flames are after is to bring something good to the universe, something that is of great value to the world, and the connection they achieve through their dreams gives them guidance and the power to think about how to live their destinies by sharing every situation of their lives.
The twin flames are very clear about what they are supposed to bring to the universe, and in the connection they have in their dreams they discover, in the form of revelations, what those contributions will be about.
Benefits of dreaming with twin flames
Through the connection that is achieved with the twin flame through dreams, skills are developed that provide benefits such as telepathic and psychic, which are powerful tools of energetic resonance. The capacity to love that is nurtured in these connections through dreams, becomes a spiritual tool that gives a deep and quiet peace to the being that experiences it and allows him to live a full life.
The connection through the dream that the twin flames achieve is made mind to mind, from the heart of one flame to the heart of the other directly, deeply nourishing your souls and inevitably projecting you to higher spiritual and energetic levels, to levels of light.
The twin flames, when energetically connected, achieve intense feelings of true love that are projected in the form of spirals that spiral out like a magnetic wind vortex from their hearts to establish a telepathic communication between the two twin flames.
The deep love of the twin flames awakens the heart, because in their divine mission they bind their consciousness to the heart and the divine love to the Earth plane, making a language of communication through the heart that does not need to be translated, decoded, or even interpreted, and that creates conditions to know that the twin flame is true and authentic in all that it says.
The heart through dreams expresses lack of fidelity to ourselves and does not allow that we cannot align with an infinite love that dwells in us, the true soul mate through dreams cannot hide anything from it, and the other can see everything that happens within its soul.