Understanding the Twin Flames Physical Attraction

5 min readNov 22, 2020


Nothing compares to the twin flame journey and the twin flame physical attraction is no exception. Twin flames connect mentally, spiritually and physically — but that’s probably the one we talk about the least.

It’s one of these unsatisfying you just know it when you know things but the twin flame telepathic touch has nothing on the physical touch. You won’t always understand what happened but physical interaction between the two of you won’t go unnoticed.

If you’re struggling on your twin flame journey, tell me what you’re going through and get a twin flame reading.

It is impossible to avoid uncontrollable magnetism between two souls that have the same origin, and although it seems a utopia to find the ideal being, this wonderful event does happen, the way of the twin flames is the proof of it, the twin flames physical attraction from the very moment they meet, so it confirms this theory.

The twin flames physical attraction

When you start a path of twin flames, all and every one of the components of the body know it, there is a higher force that gives this knowledge to the individual being; the twin flame experiences a great light that invades with its energy all fibers of his body and soul; when he succeeds in fusing his body with that of his twin flame, his whole physical and mental body is flooded with a radiant energy of ecstasy.

The Twin Flames on the physical level are strongly attracted to each other, so that in their immense and overflowing passion they have no other choice but to merge, and through their physical bodies they give free rein to all their desires and feelings that they have harbored for a long time, and it is by means of this glorious union that they achieve an incredible energetic connection, interlacing their bodies, their minds and their souls.

This physical form of sexuality achieved by the twin flames is of a high spiritual grade and falls into the divine,

By the physical attraction that is born between them, when making Love they act governed by their instincts achieving a complete surrender, which makes them feel perfect, reaching an incomparable ecstasy, which makes their heartbeats go synchronized with each other, creating both an environment similar to an oasis where no harm of any kind, no shame, no inhibitions, no barriers inhabit, it is only their bodies, their hearts, their souls and their spirits that together reach glory.

As is the physical union of the twin flames

This union of their bodies is sacred, it is something that they have never experienced before, by merging their bodies through a deep love and with a full acceptance, they explore their bodies through passionate looks where words come out overflowing, the rapport reaches high energetic levels that makes everything around them disappear for them, they are their bodies and their souls in the infinite universe.

In this marvelous encounter caused by the physical attraction of the twin flames, a transmission of energy between both is carried out in the style of a process of osmosis, where each of the flames receives in its bosom the energy of the other, for this reason they base their communication on visual levels without intervening in these other parts of their bodies.

They are only one soul, always have been and always will be, and their physical meeting confirms it; they merge in only one soul, to the point of not knowing who is who, their individual beings at that moment cease to exist, because they have managed to become only one being, and together they perceive this great unity.

They have succeeded in reaching the physical level, the erotic level, because of the physical attraction that the twin souls feel and give themselves in this physical way with unlimited unrestrained during the sexual act that they consume; hugs, caresses and kisses are of a high degree of intensity and so long that it would seem they never end, because in this physical contact with their flame they finally have the being that they have longed for.

In this physical contact, they discover from the first moment that their flame knows very well every part of their body, and in the ecstasy of caresses in which they immerse themselves, their erotic encounters reach a plane where neither time nor space exist; it is as if they manage to transcend dimension.

In this encounter they obtain sensations of absolute freedom, and they rise while they make love in a sublime way, they feel that they touch the sky with their hands, at this physical level, the twin flames are able to recognize each other in an authentic way as a couple.

As they discover the twin flames physical attraction

The moment they recognize one flame to another, on a physical level a process of awakening occurs, and a cosmic touch begins between them, where the energy that was dormant, the Kundalini, emerges to cleanse chakras and eliminate all the blockages that they may have brought from the past.

In this way in the physical encounter of the twin flames, the sexual energies ascend and are felt in an intense way by both flames, this awakening of energies is caused by the elimination of old sexual habits of poor energies, which caused neither passion, nor desire, nor even less disposition to love without limitations like the explosion of feelings and repressed passions that at this moment you experience with the encounter of your twin flame.

Both men and women who have known the ancient energies, because they have lived of value as authoritarianism or male chauvinism and female submission, have suffered abuse, humiliation at the sexual level, must always resort to the cleaning of chakras, in order to move forward and experience the abysmal difference that begins when the physical attraction of the twin flames.

The satisfaction both physical and spiritual that is achieved through sexual pleasure in the physical encounter of the twin flames, has in no way possible comparison with the ancient energy that had its main focus on the genitals of the couples.

The twin flames are physically attracted as if they were two positive and negative poles, and when they make love they experience a cosmic wave that invades their bodies making orgasm felt in every millimeter of their bodies and their sexual energy ascends vertiginous even without physical contact, the wonderful orgasmic feeling they experience is so healing for them that it manages to cure all the wounds of the past.

In the end they experience an incredible feeling of inner peace, which gives them an encouragement to seek out the spaces for their growth.

